2019 DeSoto Acres Association Community Wide Yard Sale

Dates: expanded to 3 days – Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Friday March 8th, Saturday March 9th, and Sunday March 10th, 2019 
8:00 am to 4:00pm rain or shine

Participate or Find Some Great Buys at this Annual Event. The 2019 DeSoto Acres Association (DSA) sponsored Community-Wide Yard Sale is coming up fast. Mark your calendar for this three day event on Fri. Mar 8th, Sat. Mar 9th, & Sun. Mar 10th from 8am to 4pm rain or shine for treasure hunting or your yard sale.

Announcement of our Community-Wide Yard Sale is provided by the DSA through ads in the Sarasota- Herald Tribune, Observer, Craig’s List, plus street signs at highly visible locations for all our residents. With this awareness building, you are assured of a great turn out rain or shine.

Our yard sale locator map continues to be a great success. We’ve had very positive comments from yard-sale participants and buyers. DSA provides copies of the yard-sale map to each Member to distribute to buyers at their yard sale. The map shows where your yard sale is located, categories of items for sale, and the days/times of your yard sale with all of the other members’ sales.

To Participate in the yard sale map, by Monday, March 4th, contact Chair John Murray at YardSale@desotoacres.org. Please let John know, first thing, you’re calling or emailing about participating in the DeSoto Acres Yard Sale Map. This will help your email or voice message stand out from all other he receives. Then indicate if you are a DSA Association member or planning to join, the 5 major categories of items for sale and if your dates and times differ from the overall Community sale.

Become a member of DeSoto Acres Association to be included in the yard sale locator map. A membership form is available on our website, enclose your form with your dues payment in an envelope, and mail to DeSoto Acres Association, Inc., P.O. Box 556, Tallevast, FL 34270 to arrive by Monday, March 4th.

Should you have items left over from your yard sale that you do not want, please donate to your favorite charity, for example Mother’s Helping Mothers on North Washington Blvd.

Always help recycle, repurpose, reuse.

This is your Association working to make DeSoto Acres Community Yard Sale the preferred North County Community Yard Sale.

We hope you have a successful Yard Sale!