As the County conducts their review of DeSoto Acres based on residents’ input at the County sponsored Neighborhood workshops, the DeSoto Acres Association conducted a survey to obtain resident input on our community’s unique characteristics. This included a query on what is important, potential options to preserve what is important, and options to address traffic along our rural and arterial roads.

Survey Methodology

Survey sample link

Survey Results

33% (109) residents sent in their survey responses. This is a good response rate, in line with a typical “internal” survey response rate. 

Top three reason our residents choose to live in DeSoto Acres (Ranked results – will not total 100%) 66% Large acreage 48% Location 44% Natural habitat (wildlife, trees, etc.)

Would you approve of DeSoto Acres as an independent community dedicated to preserving natural greenspace in an urban setting? 88% Yes 4% No 8% No response

Do you currently keep an area of your parcel as a natural greenspace/native habitat? 85% Yes 13% No 2% No response

Would you do any of the following to increase natural greenspace/native habitat/water flow on your parcel?Plant native trees? 85% Yes 11% No 4% No response • Create habitat for native pollinators (bat boxes, friendly vegetation, etc.) 83% Yes 14% No 4% No response • Use permeable materials for driveways and walkways (encouraging rain water to underground drainage, using shell / gravel / pavers / etc ) 82% Yes 13% No 5% No response

Would you approve of any of the following in DeSoto Acres? • A traffic circle at 47th and Tuttle 57% Yes 39% No 4% No response • Traffic calming, such as speed tables on our rural roads 63% Yes 33% No 4% No response • Close Shade at University 41% Yes 55% No 4% No response • Widening Tuttle to 4 Lanes 38% Yes 60% No 2% No response • Pedestrian Crossings along Tuttle Ave 65% Yes 29% No 6% No response

Do you support increasing density per acre along west side of Lockwood Ridge between 61st and 47th St? 8% Yes 87% No 5% No response