As the County conducts their review of DeSoto Acres based on residents’ input at the County sponsored Neighborhood workshops, the DeSoto Acres Association conducted a survey to obtain resident input on our community’s unique characteristics. This included a query on what is important, potential options to preserve what is important, and options to address traffic along our rural and arterial roads.
33% (109) residents sent in their survey responses. This is a good response rate, in line with a typical “internal” survey response rate.
Top three reason our residents choose to live in DeSoto Acres (Ranked results – will not total 100%) 66% Large acreage 48% Location 44% Natural habitat (wildlife, trees, etc.)
Would you approve of DeSoto Acres as an independent community dedicated to preserving natural greenspace in an urban setting? 88% Yes 4% No 8% No response
Do you currently keep an area of your parcel as a natural greenspace/native habitat? 85% Yes 13% No 2% No response
Would you do any of the following to increase natural greenspace/native habitat/water flow on your parcel? • Plant native trees? 85% Yes 11% No 4% No response • Create habitat for native pollinators (bat boxes, friendly vegetation, etc.) 83% Yes 14% No 4% No response • Use permeable materials for driveways and walkways (encouraging rain water to underground drainage, using shell / gravel / pavers / etc ) 82% Yes 13% No 5% No response
Would you approve of any of the following in DeSoto Acres? • A traffic circle at 47th and Tuttle 57% Yes 39% No 4% No response • Traffic calming, such as speed tables on our rural roads 63% Yes 33% No 4% No response • Close Shade at University 41% Yes 55% No 4% No response • Widening Tuttle to 4 Lanes 38% Yes 60% No 2% No response • Pedestrian Crossings along Tuttle Ave 65% Yes 29% No 6% No response
Do you support increasing density per acre along west side of Lockwood Ridge between 61st and 47th St? 8% Yes 87% No 5% No response